Classification Of Guava

guava classification

In this article, you are going to learn the different scientific classifications of guava.


Kingdom                       plantae

Subkingdom                 Tracheobionta

Superdivision              Spermatophyta

Division                       Magnoliophyta

Class                          Magnoliopsida

Subclass                   Rosidae

Order                       Myrtales

Family                       Myrtaceae

Genus                       Psidium  L.


Guava belongs to the kingdom Plantae (plants). Plants are groups of living organisms that carry out all life processes such as reproduction, respiration, metabolism, growth, excretion, irritability, and movement in response to certain environmental stimuli such as sunlight.

The kingdom consists of two important subkingdoms, which are vascular and non-vascular plants.

The vascular plants are considerd to be superior to non-vascular plants. This is because the vascular carry out respiration and transport of food and water through a network of sophisticated connenctive tissues.

The vascular plants posses xylem and phloem, and these tissues help in distributing food and water to where they are needed.

Unlike vascular plants, the non-vascular plants are quite primitive and carry  out all all life process through less complex and primitive tissues.

Related: Wild and cultivated species of guava

General Characteristics

Plants perform the followings:

  • Reproduction
  • Respiration
  • Excretion
  • Growth
  • Response to stimuli and so on


Guava plant belongs to the subkingdom Tracheobionta. This is a group of plants that possess vascular bundles of xylem and phloem.

As discussed under kingdom plantae, vascular bundles are tissues that transport both food and water to where the food and water are required by the plants for metabolism.

General Characteristics

  • They have true stems, leaves, and leaves
  • They have special tissues of xylem and phloem that distribute food and water
  • The dorminat phase of generation is sporophyte, which is a diploid


Guava falls into the superdivision spermatophyta. Spermatophyta is a group of plants that produce seeds. Seeds develop from ovules.

There are two forms spermatophyta: those that produce naked seeds are called gymnospermae, while those that produce seeds in a protective jacket of cells  or coverings are called angiospermae.

General characteristics

  • They produce seeds
  • Stems, roots, and leaves are well developed
  • They have chlorophyll
  • Xylem and phloem are well develped compare to the primitive ones


Guava is classified under the division Magnoliophyta. Magnoliophyta is a group of plants that reproduce by flowers. They are also known as flowering plants.

Flowering plants consists of fruits with seeds that enclosed a nutritive substance calledc an endosperm.

General Characteristics

  • They produces flowers
  • They have dominat sporophyte generation
  • They produce seeds
  • The seeds contain the endosperm
  • Stems, roots, and leaves are fully developed
  • Xylem and phloem are advanced


Guava plants belong to the class magnoliopsida. Magnoliopsida is a class of plants, which are characterized by producing seeds with two embryonic leaves (cotelydons)

Basically, the flowering plants are classified into monocot and dicot. And the dicot plants are scientifically grouped as Magnoliopsida.

General Characteristics

  • Dominant sporophyte generation
  • Advanced transporting system of food and water
  • Reproduce by flowers
  • Produce seeds
  • Produce sedd with two cotelydons


Guava falls into the subclass Rosidae.  Rosidae are group of plants of over 40,000 species, which are typically differentiated from other plants by the possession of pinnately compound leaves.

General Chacteristics

  • The typical chacteristic of subclass rosidae is the possession of pinnately compound leaves
  • They also reproduce by flowers
  • Dorminant sporophyte generation
  • Well developed xylem and phloem
  • Seeds have two emryonic leaves


Guava plant was classified an order called Myrtales. Myrtales are group of plants, which are mainly woody and dicotelydenous in nautre. They are small trees (shrubs) with flaky back and bear flowers.

The typical plant leaf morphology of this order is opposite and posseses a characteristic of basal petals.

General Characteristics

  • They are woody
  • Thye are shrubs
  • They posses basal petals
  • They also reproduce by flowers
  • Dorminant sporophyte generation
  • Well developed xylem and phloem
  • Seeds have two emryonic leaves


Guava is classified under the family Myrtaceae. Myrtaceae are woody shrubs. The plants under this family have pleasant smell and the leaves have numerous oil glands.

The flower of Myrtaceae are normally white, pink, red, purple, and yellow. Thee petals and sepals are usually in 5 with many stamens.

Picture showing the flower morphology of mytaceae

General characteristics

  • They have all the features of advanced plants
  • Typica features are fragrant or pleasant smell
  • Leaves have numerous oil glands
  • The flowers are usually white, pink, red, purple, and yellow
  • The floral parts are in 5


The genus that guava belongs to is called Psidium. The genus was first brought into the scientific world by a scientist called Linnaeus in 1753.

This genus of plants is quite diverse with numerous economic and ecological benefits. They are widely cultivated in almost every part of the world.

General Characteristics

  • They have all the features of advanced plants
  • Typica features are fragrant or pleasant smell
  • Leaves have numerous oil glands
  • They are very diverse with numerous economic and ecological uses


The species name of guava depends on which type of guava you are refering to. There are basically three common species of guava, however, there are other species of guava that are also of economic and ecological importance.

Scientific Name Of  Common Tropical Guava

The scientific of tropical guava is called Psidium guajava.

Other Species of Guava

The table below contains the genus, species, and common names of some selected guava species.

GenusSpeciesCommon Name
Psidiumamplexicaule Pers.Mountain guava
Psidiumcalyptranthoides alainLuillo mountain guava
Psidiumcattleianum sabineStrawberry guava
Psidiumfrieddrichsthalianum Nied. (O. Berg)Wild guava
Psidiumguajava L.Guava
Psidiumguineen Sw.Guinea guava
Psidiumlongipes (Berg) MCVoughMangroveberry
Psidiumlongipes (Berg) MCVough Var. longipesMangroveberry
Psidiumlongipes (Berg) MCVough Var. orbiculareViesques Esland guava
Psidiummontanum Sw.Mountain guava
Psidiumsintenisii (Kiaerski.) alainSintenis’ guava
GenusSpeciesCommon name
Tab. 1.0 Genus Psidium with different species and their common names

Common Types Of Guava

  • Tropical guava
  • Strawberry guava
  • Pineapple guava

General Characteristics of Guavas

  • They are greenish throughout the year
  • They are woody shrubs
  • The leaves are oval and elluptical
  • The upper leaf surface of guava leaves is smooth, and the lower is hairy
  • Guava posses flowers that are solitery and white
  • Posses a berry fruit that is oval and green to yellow in appearance
  • The inner part of the guava fruit is fleshy and is white, yellow, pink, or red in color with abundant yellowish seeds.
  • The trunk of guava is usually slender with smooth green or red-brown bark

Habitat Of Guava

Thought, the origin of guava is not clear, but it was believed to a native plant of tropical Americas.

It is a common tropical and non-tropical fruit, which is widely cultivated in many parts of Mexico, Central America, and Northern and Southern America.

Guava grows best atn an altitude os less 2740 metres with a full sunlight. However, guava also grows under partial sunlight.

The average rainfall where guava grow well is 1,000mm and 20,000mm. However, it can also adapt to insufficient rainfall (drough tolerant).

The average summer temperature where guava grows is over 15C (59F)), and the soil PH is within the range of 5 and 7 with good drainage.

In terms of adaptation, guava plant can adapt to a PH range of 4.5-9.4. it can also survive in semi-salt water with proper drainage.

Guava also developed an adaptive structures where the plant can store large amount of water, and this allows guava to survive during drought.

All the above features give guava an adaptive advantage to survive in both humid and dry climates.

It was also found that guava plant can tolerate a slightly freezing  temperatures that are below 0c (32f). But, in return, it may loose some its quality such as foliage and fruit quality.

Uses Of Guava

  • Guava is used in the management of weight loss
  • It is used for the treatment of prostrate cancer
  • It is used as food and in the production of beverages
  • It is used to treat heart diseases
  • Guava is also used in the treatment stomach problems
  • It is also used for the treatment of mentrual cramps


We hope this article gives you an excellent insight into understanding the classification of guava. Let us know your view in the comment section below.

Related: learn more about guava plant


Naseer, S., Hussain, S., Naeem, N. et al. The phytochemistry and medicinal value of Psidium guajava (guava). Clin Phytosci 4, 32 (2018).

Wikipedia contributors. (2020, May 9). Vascular plant. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 11:38, May 10, 2020, from

Wikipedia contributors. (2020, May 5). Guava. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 09:03, May 10, 2020, from