How To Store Guava Fruits, Leaves, And Juice

How to store Guava

In this article, you are going to learn how to store guava fruits, leaves, and juice.

Short answer: To store guava, place the guava fruits in a refrigerator for up to five days. And if you want to store for too long, slice the guava and place in sugar syrup before refrigerating. You can store guava this way for one year.

Keep reading to find out more proven ways on how to safely preserve your guava fruits, paste, and leaves without damage.


Guava is one of the popular and amazing fruit with numerous health benefits. Both fruits and leaves of guava are nutritious and can be used as a source of energy and for medicinal purposes.

Find more information about guava:

>Botany of guava

>Nutritional value of guava

>Health benefits of guava leaves and fruits

>Vitamins and minerals content of guava

>Antioxidants in guava

>Varieties of guava

Guava is one of the fruits that can get damaged so easily after ripening. Therefore, in order to extend the shelf life of guava fruits, leaves, and juice other ways have to be employed to preserve them.

In this guide, you are going to learn two basics methods of preservation of guava fruits, and then we will separately discuss the storage method for guava leaves and juice.

The methods involve in storing guava fruits are:

  • Refrigeration
  • Freezing

Method #1: Refrigeration of Guava Fruits

This method of preservation involves storing whole guava fruit, which is going to be used for a short time such as 3 or 4 days.

When you store guava using this method, make sure that you do not allow the guava to exceed one week. This is because the guava can be damaged when the storage time exceeds one week.

Before you store the guava in the refrigerator, make sure you wash the guava with clean water and pat dry. Then, place the fruit in a refrigerator and store.

Method #2: Freezing the Guava Fruit

In this method of preserving guava, you need to wash the guava and pat dry it. Then, place the guava fruit on a clean plate or cutting board.

Use your favorite peeling knife to peel out the rinds from the fruits. After peeling, cut the fruit into slices.

Prepare a sugar syrup that is made using equal portions of sugars and water. Then, place these slices of guava fruits into the syrup.

Allow them to soak in the sugar syrup very well. Then, place these slices of guava fruits into the syrup.

Transfer the slices of guava into an airtight plastic container or nylon bag. Cover and make sure you leave a small space where a small amount of air can enter into the container.

This small space can help prolong the shelf life of your guava by reducing the freezing time. Place the container in a refrigerator and store for up to a year.

But, it is important to know that the longer the time you store your guava the more nutrients and quality your guava will loose.

Using this freezing method the guava fruit can take up to a year without damage.

How to Store Guava Paste

Guava paste can be stored in room temperature using an airtight container or in a refrigerator. If you are storing under room temperature, you can alternatively wrap the juice in a plastic wrap.

The best-recommended way to preserve your guava juice for storage that is not more than a week is using a refrigerator.

However, if you want to store it for a very long period of time, you need to employ some preservatives. The preservatives can be synthetic or natural preservatives.

The natural preservatives are not as effective as synthetic preservatives. However, natural preservatives are far safer than synthetic preservatives. Either way, always stay within the safety limit.

How to Store Guava Leaves

how to store guava leaves
how to store guava leaves

Harvest guava leaves that are organically grown, unblemished, and medium-sized leaves of guava when the guava is starting to buds.

Wash off the guava leaves in clean and cool water. Shake the excess water off the guava leaves. Then, put the guava leaves in a single layer on a drying tray and leave the guava leaves to air dry. Be sure you are turning the guava leaves daily.

Allow them to dry for about 3-4 weeks depending upon the relative humidity of your area. Another method to store guava leaves is to tie many leaf stems in one place with twine and place the guava leaves in a paper sack while the stem ends are protruding from the end of the bag.

Seal the bag around the guava leaves with a rubber band. Hang the bag containing the guava leaves in a warm, clean, and dry place.

If you notice the guava leaves are dry and brittle, preserve the guava leaves in an airtight container under low temperature, low humidity, and away from sunlight. Make sure that you use the guava leaves within a year.

Frequently aske Questions

Can you freeze  guava leave?

You cannot freeze guava leaves. You can only store them by drying and preserving in airtight containers or bags.

Do Guavas Need to be Refrigerated?

If you like, you can refrigerate your guavas. Sometimes guava when they are fully ripe, they tend to change so easily. So, if you store them in a refrigerator, they may not damage and can last up to 2 or 3 days.

How long can I Keep Guava in the Fridge?

You can store the whole guava that is ripening for up to  4 days. And you can store sliced guava fruit for up to a year.

How do you Store Guava without Refrigeration?

You can store guava fruit without refrigerator by simply placing them in an airtight container. Make sure before you put them in the container, you soak the sliced fruit in simple sugar syrup.


We hope that this guide gives you excellent help in understanding the various methods on how store guava fruits, leaves, and juice. We would love to hear your questions and answers about this guide. So, do write to us in the comment section below.

Recommended reading:

>How to eat guava efficiently and without mess up

>How to eat the delicious Mexican guava

>Health Benefits of Eating Guava On Empty Stomach

>Eating Guava At Night: What Are The Health Benefits?


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