

Magnoliophyta is a division of plants, which consists of plants that bear flowers. Plants that fall under this division are commonly known as flowering plants.

Related: Classification of guava plant


They produce seeds that enclosed endosperm. The endosperm provides nourishment to the embryonic plants.

Magnoliophyta is diverse and well adapted to almost any kind of habitat. They can be found in extreme temperature, pressure, and humidity. They can be found on both land and water.

Common plants include guava, orange, mango, pineapple, and apple.

Division of Magnoliophyta

Magnoliophyta is basically divided into two main divisions: the Anthophyta commonly known as Angiospermae, and the Pinophyta, which is known as Gymnospermae.

Magnoliophyta is compost of over 200,000 species, which are approximately made of two-third of the known land flora ref1.

Related: Wild and cultivated species of guava

Economic Importance

  • They are used as food
  • They are ecologically used as shelter belt
  • They are used as medicines
  • Thye are used manure
  • They are used in lanscaping to beutify environment

Related: Botany of guava plant

What phylum is Magniliopsida?

Magnoliopsida is a phylum that is also known as vascular plants and tracheonionta.

What is the advantage of flowering plants?

Flowering plants (Angiosperms) posses reproductive organs of flowers that give them an advantage over non-flowering plants (Gymnosperms) .

Flowers produce seeds  that are not naked. The flowers also attract pollinating insects where they help in the transfer of pollen grains. This helps prevent the extinction of flowering plants and make them the most diverse of all plants.

What does Gymnosperm mean?

Gymnosperms are non-flowering plants. Meaning: they do not produce flowers and their seeds are naked.

The seeds are not coverd in an overy and the spermatozoids are motile.

Is magnoliophyta a phylum?

Magnoliophyta is a phylum or division, and they the most dominant of all land plants both economically and ecologically.

What is the meaning of magnoliopsida?

Magnoliopsida is a class of flowering plants that produce a young plant or embryo with two cotyledons and net-veined leaves.

Are dicots angiosperms?

Dicots are angiosperms because they produce young ones with two seed leaves.


Burns, G. W., 1974. The Plant Kingdom. New York: Macmillan, 540p.

Cronquist, A., 1979. How to Know the Seed Plants. Dubuque, Iowa: W. C. Brown Co., 472p.

Wheeler L.C., Mustoe G. (1982) Magnoliophyta. In: Beaches and Coastal Geology. Encyclopedia of Earth Science. Springer, Boston, MA