What happens if you eat watermelon seeds? Now Answered

eat watermelon seeds

You may recall hearing as a youngster that if you consume the seeds of a watermelon, one of the enormous fruits will develop within your stomach.

Of course, it’s a complete myth that’s now amusing to reflect on. Even if you buy seedless watermelon, you’re almost certain to come across a gritty black speck or two anytime you nibble on the hydrating fruit.

Is it, nevertheless, safe to consume watermelon seeds? Sure, you’re not going to sit down and eat a full bowl of them, but are there any adverse effects that might cause gastrointestinal issues? Here’s all you need to know about the summer classic.

What happens if you eat watermelon seeds?

It’s not a huge problem if you consume a few seeds when cutting through a piece of watermelon. “Watermelon seeds are okay to eat,” says Beth Warren, R.D., author of Secrets of a Kosher Girl and founder of Beth Warren Nutrition.

“You do not digest them when you eat them 100 percent raw—in other words, they still have the black shells on them—they travel through your body intact,” explains Keri Gans, R.D., author of The Small Change Diet. So, much as when you swallow chewing gum, they’ll end up in the toilet in a day or two.

That’s why, according to Jessica Cording, R.D., author of The Little Book of Game Changers, if you have a sensitive digestive system; eating too many seeds might cause stomach troubles like gas or bloat.

Constipation is another side effect of the seeds. “It’s all about the quantity you consume,” says Gina Keatley, a New York City-based certified dietitian nutritionist. “The seeds include a significant amount of insoluble fiber, which might cause your digestive tract to slow down if there isn’t enough water or other stuff to drive it through.”

“Your body digests them thoroughly to gain the health advantages,” Gans adds if the seeds are sprouted or cooked.

How to Use Watermelon Seeds

Watermelon seeds do not have to be avoided. In fact, you may eat them in a variety of ways to reap the benefits of their nutrition and flavor.

Watermelon seeds, for example, can be roasted. Roasted watermelon seeds are high in nutrients and include beneficial fatty acids such as omega-3s. They also include potassium and magnesium, which aid in post-workout hydration and electrolyte balance.

Watermelon seed butter is also a possibility. (Are you curious as to what it might taste like? Purchase a container of watermelon seed butter before attempting to make your own.) It’s great on crackers, bread, fruit, and other things. If you have the room, you may also grow those black seeds in your own backyard garden.

How to Roast Watermelon Seeds

The seeds should be rinsed and dried. When they’re absolutely dry, they’ll roast the finest.

Toss the watermelon seeds with a little olive or grapeseed oil after they’re totally dry. “To reduce calories, spritz oil on the seeds using a spray bottle to help disseminate the oil,” Shames advises.

Sprinkle salt over the seeds and spread them out evenly on a baking sheet. Then bake for 10 to 15 minutes at 325 degrees F (163 degrees C).


Watermelon seeds should be dried and roasted in a pan. They may be kept in sealed containers for many days. For those who are always hungry, this can be a healthy yet delicious snack option! These tiny seeds will give you a nutritional boost, and you can add them to salads or other nuts for added benefit. If you don’t want to eat it whole, you may grind it into a powder to have the same flavor and health advantages.