Can Dogs Eat Kiwi? Now Answered

Can Dogs Eat Kiwi

You may have pondered if it is okay for your dog to eat kiwi as a dog owner. Kiwi may supplement your dog’s diet with vitamins and minerals, but there are a few things to keep in mind. Continue reading to discover more about the advantages of feeding kiwi to dogs and whether or not this fruit has any concerns.

Can Dogs Eat Kiwi?

Yes, dogs may eat kiwi as long as it is given to them in moderation and cooked properly. Kiwi should not be eaten by dogs with allergies or delicate stomachs. Because pesticides and chemicals can be found on the skin of kiwis, it’s necessary to wash them before giving them to your dog.

Is Kiwi Safe For Dogs?

Kiwifruit, like papaya, is high in vitamin C, vitamin K, and some vitamin E, as well as minor quantities of other vitamins and minerals. Aside from this, it’s largely made up of water (more than 80%!) and carbs (sugars).

Yes, kiwi is said to be dog-friendly. Kiwi is a nutrient-dense fruit, meaning it contains a lot of vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to your dog. Vitamin C, potassium, fiber, copper, lutein, and beta carotene are all abundant in kiwis.

It’s crucial to remember that because kiwi has a lot of natural sugar; it’s not a good idea to feed your dog a lot of it. When giving kiwi to your dog for the first time, keep an eye out for any symptoms of allergies or an upset stomach.

Before giving your dog kiwi or any other new food for the first time, it’s always a good idea to consult with your veterinarian. Your veterinarian will have a better grasp of your dog’s health.
Nutritional Benefits of Kiwi to Dogs?

Serving kiwi to your dog has several nutritional advantages. Kiwi is a low-calorie food for your dog that provides vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals. It should be fed to your dog in moderation, much as other fruits like pineapple.

Read also: Can Dogs Eat Strawberries?

Real sweet potatoes, bell peppers, and even zucchini are all terrific natural food for your dog. All of them have vitamins that will help your dog’s immune system. Let’s look at some of the minerals found in kiwi that might benefit your dog.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a known antioxidant that is classified as necessary in humans since the human body cannot produce it and must obtain it from food (thus our requirement for 5-a-day!). Dogs, on the other hand, can generate their own vitamin C; it isn’t necessary for them, and there isn’t much evidence that it has many advantages. However, given the quantities present in fruit, it is unlikely to cause damage.

Vitamin K

Kiwifruit also includes vitamin K, which is essential for blood clotting and can be used to treat some clotting issues in dogs (at high dosages). However, the quantity of vitamin K in kiwifruit is insignificant in comparison to the amount necessary, so while it won’t hurt, it isn’t suggested as a suitable source of vitamin K for dogs that require it.


A dog’s daily water consumption should be between 25 and 50 milliliters per kilogram of body weight. That implies a 7.5kg tiny terrier should drink roughly 200-350ml water per day, whereas a 30kg Labrador may need 750-1500ml.

Water requirements change with the weather and temperature outdoors, the amount of exercise the dog has done, the age of the dog, the current diet (wet or dry food), and other health concerns or requirements.

There is roughly 80g (80ml) of water per 100g of kiwi flesh (the inner green sections). So, while kiwi won’t meet your daily water needs, it may be a delightful treat and a way to enhance your water consumption (in little amounts).

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Digestive Enzymes

Actinidin, an enzyme found in kiwifruit, aids in the breakdown of proteins such as those found in meat. It has been demonstrated in humans to help with protein digestion in the stomach and small intestine, resulting in better digestion, reduced gastrointestinal pain, and bloating. Enzyme boosts are regularly added to dog food to assist gassy dogs to avoid flatulence.

There’s a potential that some of these side effects will show up in our canine companions. It’s worth noting that this hasn’t been researched or documented in dogs.

Our dogs’ digestive processes are well adapted to handle Kiwi since their meals are rich in protein. Kiwi served as a treat or snack is unlikely to have any impact.

If you currently give your dog a premium brand of dog food, these dry kibbles are likely already enriched with probiotics and digestive enzymes.

Other antioxidants can still be found in kiwifruit. Adding kiwi to your dog’s food may not provide a significant digestive benefit.

Read also: Can Dogs Eat Papaya?

Risks Involved With Giving Dogs Kiwi

Although kiwis are a portion of healthy food for dogs, if consumed in big quantities, the peel and seeds can be poisonous.

Kiwis have seeds that should be removed before feeding to a dog since they carry poisons when consumed in large quantities.

The digestive tract of a dog is incapable of adequately digesting kiwi peel. Although the rough skin is unlikely to be poisonous, it can cause choking in tiny dogs and may obstruct the digestive tract if taken whole. Dogs also have a hard time digesting the rough skin, which leads to stomach problems.

One issue with giving kiwi to your dog is that if the spherical of the kiwi is sliced too large, it might strangle them. To help your dog avoid choking while eating, chop tiny portions and feed them gently so they can chew.

Kiwi intake in excess might cause gastrointestinal distress. If you see any of the following signs in your dog, don’t feed him kiwis:

  1. Vomiting/Diarrhea
  2. Appetitelessness
  3. Lethargy due to a painful or bloated stomach

Moderation is crucial, as it is with other foods. A few kiwi pieces are okay for dogs to consume, but too many might cause gastrointestinal problems.

How to Serve Kiwi to Dogs

Before slicing a kiwi for your pet, be sure to properly wash and scrape the exterior surface. Washing and washing the skincare can help decrease any hazards related to dogs eating kiwi. To prevent your dog from choking on the kiwi, it’s usually best to chop it into little pieces.

Kiwi is a one-time treat for your dog and should not be included in their usual diet. It may be used as a nutritious stuffing in treats like Kongs, which gives mental activity and keeps them away from food, which can contribute to overeating.

For dogs, kiwi may be a nutritious and refreshing treat. On warmer days, you may even prepare frozen fruit or vegetable popsicles for your dog.

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Can Dogs Have Kiwi? Final Verdict

Yes, dogs may eat kiwis, but they should be given in moderation and in conjunction with a nutritious dog diet. Kiwi may supplement your dog’s diet with vitamins and minerals that their regular food may lack.