10 Benefits of Cloves Sexually

Achieving sexual healthiness over the years has been seen to be aided by cure brought about by so many natural herbs, on the list of which cloves also has its place.

Cloves are widely and often characterized by its rich flavor and itself being described as dried flower buds that form part of its own tree with a botanical name “Syzygium aromaticum”.

These aromatic flower buds are considered to possess powerful healing properties and they contain a lot of beneficial and vital contents in spite of the fact that they’re not big in size.

These contents as contained in cloves include antioxidants (such as tannins, flavonoids and terpenoids), Vitamin K, Manganese, Eugenol, Fiber and so on.

Some of the very important benefits of cloves intake or consumption are the facts that it can assist your body in combating free radicals that are capable of destroying your cells.

Via this process, the risk of having diabetes, some kind of cancers, as well as heart disease can be lessened.

More so, reports has it that consuming cloves moderately in large quantities is capable of helping you thicken the thin mucus layer of your stomach lining and helping you to lessen the risk of having ulcers (if you don’t have) or cure the ulcer (if you have).

Furthermore, cloves will also enhance your liver to perform better by assisting you to lessen the risk of fatty liver disease as well as liver cirrhosis.

All these and many more are the vital and beneficial roles that cloves play as it pertains to helping you live better.

However, these and more are the benefits of cloves, but could these benefits be extended as related to sexual health to help you live better in this peculiar aspect of your life?

As you read on this article, you’ll be getting more clues on the possibilities of cloves’ ability as pertains to its contribution to your sexual healthiness.

Benefits of Cloves Sexually

1. Cloves Balances the Level of Blood Sugar

Imbalances in the level of blood sugar tend to have adverse effect on your sexual healthiness by tending to lower sex drive, mood and energy levels.

Report has it that cloves to some reasonable extent can help balance the level of blood sugar which will indirectly help to enhance your sexual healthiness.

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2. Cloves Enhances Libido

One of the factors that aid sexual healthiness is having a healthy sex drive. In cloves are contained a beneficial content called Eugenol which is reported to be responsible for libido boosting via its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

3. Cloves helps in Combating Inflammation

Inflammation condition may lead to several health issues which can include certain cancer and heart disease. In cloves are contained a beneficial content called Eugenol as well as other antioxidants which may help you combat inflammation.

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4. Cloves help against Infections

Cloves are considered to have antimicrobial properties which may be an advantage to your sexual healthiness by helping you lessen genital area infections that may affect reproductive health.

5. Cloves help in Ensuring Balanced Hormone

In cloves are contained a beneficial content called Eugenol as well as other antioxidants which are useful in assisting you to detoxify your liver by eliminating harmful toxins. Achieving adequate hormone balance via a healthy liver is one sure way to remain sexually healthy.

6. Cloves help in achieving adequate Blood Flow and Circulation

Another benefit to which cloves can help you maintain sexual healthiness is via helping you to achieve healthy flow of blood and circulation.

In cloves are contained a beneficial content called Eugenol which is considered to have properties that may enhance the flow of blood to your genital region.

.This will results into helping you keep and maintain erections, thereby supporting erectile function.

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7. Cloves help in Enhancing Stamina and Energy Levels

In view of helping you to potentially raise the level of your sexual performance, cloves are considered to be useful in enhancing stamina and providing the needed energy that can be a boost to your sexual living.

8. Cloves help in Enhancing Proper Digestion

This might sounds quite funny but you must know that proper digestion can also contribute to your general health which will also reflect on your sexual health too.

In cloves are contained a beneficial content called fiber, it’s considered to be responsible to maintain flawless digestion and at the same time assisting in reducing the risk of heart disease.

9. Cloves in Lessening Oxidative Stress

Oxidative Stress condition is often caused by the irregularities that take place between antioxidants and free radicals.

In cloves are contained beneficial and rich antioxidants content that are capable of managing these free radicals to your advantage and this may help bring about sexual healthiness.

10. Cloves help in Supporting Proper Brain Functioning and Bone Growth

In cloves are contained beneficial trace mineral like Manganese which may support proper brain functioning and bone growth that may eventually add up to offer you a healthy sexual living.

Is Clove good for everyone?

While the consumption of cloves should not come with any risk, it’s said to have had certain side effects on some certain individuals. If you will be considering including cloves in your list you should consider checking through this.

One of the side effects to talk about is individuals’ natural body reactions to cloves after consumption.

These reactions in individuals can include bad breathing, nettle-rash as well as swelling.

So if you discover that your body reacts negatively after consumption ensure you entirely avoid it or anything related to it.

Another side effect is when individuals tend to consume too much cloves, it can leads to irritation especially in the gut.

You might also need to be careful because of cloves’ resulting effect when taken alongside certain medical drugs.

For instance, the intake of warfarin (a blood-thinning drug) alongside cloves may escalate the probable effect of bleeding in some certain individuals.

To cap it all, issues like nausea, stomach pain and other gastrointestinal problems can be experienced when individuals tend to consume too much cloves.

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As you’re now abreast of the possibilities of the advantages that can come with the addition of cloves to your diet all with the aim of assisting you to achieve sexual healthiness, you can enjoy it in various ways.

Some of these means is to enjoy cloves in its whole form, introduce them to your meals, engage them in preparing clove-infused tea, as well as in extracts and supplements.

However, you may have to look into its possible side effects by firstly contacting your health expert in order to be sure that its consumption will not wrongly counteract your health or treatment arrangements.


  1. 4 Sexual Benefits of Cloves For Men. Retrieved from here
  2. Tajuddin, Ahmad S, Latif A, Qasmi IA. Effect of 50% ethanolic extract of Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merr. & Perry. (clove) on sexual behaviour of normal male rats. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2004 Nov 5;4:17.15530165; PMCID: PMC534794. Retrieved from here
  3. The beneficial effect of clove essential oil and its major component, eugenol, on erectile function in diabetic rats. Retrieved from here