Can you Freeze Bean Sprouts? Now Answered

Let’s start with what bean sprouts are. Bean sprouts are a vegetable-derived from the sprouting of the mung bean. They are eaten all over the world but are very much common in Asia.

When cooking and consuming them, extra care is expected to be taken as they have a higher risk of foodborne illness compared to other foods and are only very lightly cooked often. If you purchase raw bean sprouts and wish to consume them like that, you can keep the sprouts in the fridge and ensure to consume them within two days after purchasing.

To freeze bean sprouts, you need to blanch or lightly fry it first. Doing this will help the bean sprouts keep some crunch and texture after freezing them. It is important to blanch your bean sprouts first before freezing them.

This is because bean sprouts contain a very high water content, thus, freezing the bean sprouts without blanching will only make them soggy. To blanch bean sprouts:

1. Boil a pan/pot of water
2. Add in your bean sprouts and cook for about two minutes
3. Remove the pan/pot from the heat and transfer the bean sprouts to a bowl of iced water to cool. This will help in locking some crunch and flavour.

In the absence of blanching, you can fry the bean sprouts lightly before cooling and freezing. This is another option.

How to Freeze Bean Sprouts

1. First of all, ensure that the bean sprouts are fully cooled from blanching or frying
2. Divide into smaller portions. This may not be compulsory and can be done if only required
3. Place into a suitable freezer container such as a zip-lock bag. You can also make use of a Tupperware box.
4. Label the container, indicating the date and what it contains.
5. Stick in the freezer. It is expected to last in the freezer for around 10 months.

How to Defrost Bean Sprouts

It is best to defrost bean sprouts overnight in the fridge. Doing this will enable them defrost safely without coming up to room temperature. Bean sprouts being a high-risk good shouldn’t be defrosted on the countertop. The size of the portion of the bean sprouts will determine the time used to defrost it. Large quantities can take up to 12 – 14 hours while a small portion may only take a few hours.

How to Reheat Bean Sprouts

To reheat your bean sprouts, do so at a minimum temperature of 75°C regardless of whether it is being served as a vegetable side dish or as part of a complete meal. A food thermometer can be used in checking the temperature. Bean sprouts reheated in the microwave, in boiling water, or by stir-frying.


Beansprouts can sure be frozen and can stay for up to 10 months. However, it is necessary to blanch them before freezing them. Also when freezing them, ensure to push out as more air as possible from the freezer bags before freezing.