Can Dogs Eat Oranges: Find Out Here

can dogs eat oranges

Looking at the numerous nutrients and the health benefits one can derive from eating an orange. Someone may be thinking “can dogs eat oranges?”

Don’t rush your pet until you read this guide from head to the tail before you make that final decision.


Oranges are one of the few fruits with abundant vitamin C and a reasonable amount of soluble fibers and dietary water.

In one orange, you can find 116.2 percent of the daily recommended value of vitamin C. Apart from vitamin C, oranges are also blessed with other vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

All these nutrients work together in one way or the other to improve body functions through the prevention and management of diseases.

But, are oranges the right food for your dog? kepp reading to find out.

can dogs eat oranges
Orange fruit showing inner juicy flesh

According to the Amy Marshal of Primal Pooch, fruits and vegetables should be given cats and dogs with caution if that only necessary.

Moreover, the Whole Dog Journal also reported that fruits like watermelon, apples, and banana can be given to dogs if they like.

The main takeaway here is that oranges may be good for dogs bit should only be given as threats.

Unlike other fruits like guava, oranges contain vitamin D, which is a vitamin that the dog digestive system found it difficult to metabolize. And so supplementing large amounts of oranges to a dog may lead to health-related issues such as kidney problems and metabolic failure.

How Much Oranges Can Dog Eat?

The orange should not be more than 10% of the daily dog’s diets. Dogs should be served one orange in a day.

Why Does My Dog Love Oranges?

This might be due to the possession of enzymes and domestication. Giving orange to dogs may help strengthen their immune system and improve digestion.

Can Dogs Eat Oranges And Apples?

Both orange and apple can be given to dogs. However, apples are more preferable over oranges.

Can Dogs Eat Oranges peel?

Giving orange peels to a dog is not recommended. This is because, the peels of orange contain a high amount of sugars and when given to dogs, the peels can raise blood sugars of your dog and this may later lead to obesity and kidney problems.

Can Dogs Eat Orange Seeds?

Dogs are nor allowed to take seeds of oranges. This is because seeds of orange contain a small amount of cyanide and this phytochemical compound may help cause cyanide poisoning.

What Fruits are Bad For Dogs?

Fruits that are found to affect dogs are raisins, grapefruits, and very acidic fruits like lemon and limes. These fruits when given to dogs, can cause stomach upset and enzyme deactivation.


Your dog can be served with oranges but you need to pay close attention to the number of oranges you can give to your dog. It should be 10% of your dog’s diet.


We hope this article helps you find the information you want on whether you can give oranges to your dog. We would like to hear more of your questions. So, let us know your questions and views in the comment box below.


>Should Dogs Be Given Guava?: Here Is What You Need to Know

>Should Dogs Be Given Watermelon?: Here Is What You Need to Know

>Apples: is this fruit right dogs?

>Bananas: Is This Fruit Good For Your dog?

> Are Carrots good for dogs? Find Out Here


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Whole dog journal:

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