Can Dogs Eat Watermelon?: Find Out Here

can dogs eat watermelon

It is that summer and maybe you are enjoying the juicy-iced watermelon and maybe your four-leg friend is sitting by your side. You may be thinking “can dogs eat watermelon?”

Keep reading to find out whether watermelon is right for your dog.

Health Benefits of Watermelon for Dogs

Watermelon is an excellent delicious fruit with many important nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, dietary water, and soluble fibers.

Watermelon also has a low glycemic index and load. These nutrients make watermelon the best fruit with the following health benefits for your dogs:

May Help Improve Eyesight

Watermelon contains a reasonable amount of vitamin A. This vitamin is an ingredient that is required for proper eye functions. Therefore, supplementing your dog with watermelon can help your dog’s eyesight.

Help Prevent Weight Gain

Watermelon is a low-calorie food, which makes it good for controlling weight. Supplementing your dog with watermelon helps prevent your dog from the accumulation of fat around your dog’s tummy.

Improve Heart Functions

Watermelon contains a high amount of antioxidants that help cut the number of free radicals in the body. This helps control high blood pressure and improve blood flow to tissues and heart.

Manage Inflammation

Watermelon may also help relieve swelling and other immune responses in the body of your dog. Watermelon contains antioxidants that are anti-inflammatory in nature.

Help Makes Your Dog Stay Hydrated

Watermelon contains a high amount of dietary water, which makes it effective in helping dogs stay hydrated during the Summer.

Helps Improve Bowel Movement

The high amount of dietary fibers and water in watermelon can also help improve bowel movement and clear your dog digestive tract from toxins.

Improve Digestion

Watermelon can also help improve digestion in dogs. Watermelon contains dietary water and soluble fibers and these nutrients are required for proper metabolism.

May Help Improve Diabetes

Supplementing your dog with watermelon can help lower the cases of diabetes. The fruits help increase glucose and glycogen metabolism in the body of your dog.

What You Need to Know

Despite all the above-mentioned benefits, if you do not follow some guidelines, instead of helping your dog, you may end up harming your dog. Keep reading to find proper ways to feed your dog with watermelon.

Watermelon fruit showing inner flesh

How Much Watermelon Can Dog Eat?

The recommended amount of watermelon is 10% of the dog’s diets. Watermelon should be served to a dog as a threat. Make sure you do not Allow tour dogs to take a high amount of watermelon.

Can Dogs Eat Watermelon Seeds?

The seeds of watermelon may contain a small amount of cyanide. And this phytochemical compound is not good for dogs large quantities. So, avoid giving your dog watermelon seeds.

Can Dogs Eat Watermelon Skin?

The skin of watermelon contains a high amount of sugars. And this high quantity of sugar can help increase the levels of sugars in your dog’s bloodstream when they are served with watermelon skin.

So, it is not allowed to serve your dog with watermelon skin. Always before serving your dog with watermelon, ensure that you remove the skin and seeds and only serve your dog with the watermelon flesh.


It is good to serve your dog with watermelon. This is because watermelon is beneficial to the health of your dog. It can also help improve your dog’s eyesight, prevent your dog from sun radiation, improve bowel movement and digestion, and also improve the heart functions of your dog.

However, watermelon should not be given in large quantity. You are recommended to serve your dog with watermelon as a threats and should only be 10% of your dog’s diets.


We have looked at some of your questions including “can dogs eat watermelon?” in this guide. We explained anything you need to know in a step by step guide. We hope that the guide was of excellent help to you in understanding whether a dog can eat watermelon or not. Let us know if you have any questions in the comment section below.


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Whole dog journal :

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