Can you eat watermelon when pregnant? Now Answered

eat watermelon when pregnant

Watermelon is a water-rich fruit that is said to provide several pregnancy advantages. Reduced edema and the risk of pregnancy problems, as well as relief from morning sickness and improved skin, are just a few of the benefits.

However, research backs up just a handful of these advantages. This article examines the literature to see if watermelon has any unique advantages for pregnant women.

Watermelon nutrition

Watermelon is high in carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and plant components. It also has a high water content of roughly 91 percent, making it an extremely hydrating fruit.

One cup (152 grams) of watermelon has the following nutrients:

  1. 46 calories
  2. 1 gram protein
  3. Less than 1 gram of fat
  4. Carbohydrates: 12 g
  5. Less than 1 gram of fiber
  6. 14 percent of the daily value of vitamin C (DV)
  7. Copper: 7% of the daily value
  8. Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5): 7% of the daily value
  9. Provitamin A: 5% of the daily value
  10. Lutein and lycopene, two antioxidants found in watermelon, can protect your body from harm and disease.

These antioxidants, for example, may benefit eye, brain, and heart health, as well as provide protection against some cancers.

According to some studies, these antioxidants may also help reduce the risk of preterm delivery and other pregnancy issues. More study is needed, however, before firm conclusions can be drawn.

Can You Eat Watermelon During Pregnancy?

Watermelons are safe to eat during pregnancy. When ingested in moderation, watermelons are not only harmless but also beneficial to a pregnant woman and her kid.

Health Benefits of Eating Watermelon During Pregnancy

Heartburn and Acidity Relief

The body undergoes significant hormonal changes throughout pregnancy. These changes produce some discomfort; acidity and heartburn are only two of the various reasons of discomfort in pregnant women. Watermelon is known to have a relaxing impact on the digestive system and can give relief from acidity and heartburn almost immediately. So, the next time your digestive system is acting up, reach for one of these delectable watermelons.

Prevents Oedema

Oedema, or swelling in the hands and feet, is a common problem for pregnant women. Edema is a condition in which fluids accumulate abnormally in particular bodily tissues. Watermelons have a high water content, which helps to release blockages and relieve edema.

Effective Against Dehydration

Dehydration is another prevalent ailment related to pregnancy. Dehydration can induce mild symptoms such as weariness and lethargy, as well as more significant issues for pregnant women such as early delivery. Watermelons, which contain over 90% water, are particularly good in preventing dehydration.

Morning Sickness

During the first few weeks of pregnancy, pregnant women have bouts of nausea and vomiting. Even though it is known as morning sickness, it can strike at any time of the day. In the morning, a glass of watermelon juice is quite beneficial in curing this ailment. A glass of watermelon juice in the morning is incredibly refreshing and energizing, in addition to offering relief from morning sickness.

Boosts Immunity

The body of a pregnant woman fights infections and illnesses for two reasons: herself and her growing baby. Immunity levels may be lowered as a result of this. Watermelons contain lycopene, a potent antioxidant that gives them their red color and has been linked to increased immunity.

Benefits of Watermelon Seeds for Pregnant Women

When eating watermelon, the majority of people toss out the seeds. These seeds, on the other hand, are high in nutrients that can benefit both the mother and the growing child. When watermelon seeds are roasted, they become crispy and form a tasty and healthful snack.

The high vitamin C concentration of watermelon seeds is beneficial to the developing fetus’ immune system.

Watermelon seeds include folate, vitamin B, and critical minerals including iron, magnesium, potassium, and zinc, in addition to healthy fats and protein, all of which contribute to the appropriate development and growth of the fetus.

Are There Any Side-Effects of Consuming Watermelon While Pregnant?

Watermelons, while usually healthy and helpful for pregnant women, can also have certain negative side effects, such as:

Watermelons’ sugar content, if ingested in excess, can induce high blood glucose levels and gestational diabetes.

Watermelon’s diuretic characteristics may cause necessary nutrients and pollutants to be flushed from the body.

Only eat watermelons that have been freshly cut. Watermelons deteriorate rapidly, and if not consumed right once, they can cause nausea, vomiting, and gastrointestinal problems.

The bottom line

Watermelon is a hydrating fruit that is high in nutrients and chemicals that are good for your health.

It can help you avoid preeclampsia, constipation, and hemorrhoids if you eat it consistently during your pregnancy. Its high water content may also help to reduce the risk of fetal growth problems, premature birth, and birth abnormalities.

However, several of these advantages are based on shaky data and are, in many situations, relevant to other fruits, not only watermelon.

Despite claims to a vast range of extra pregnancy advantages, none of them are now supported by science. Watermelon, on the other hand, is a nutrient-dense fruit that is a terrific way to add variety to a pregnant woman’s diet.