How much watermelon seeds to eat daily? Now Answered

How much watermelon seeds to eat daily?

Watermelon seeds, when consumed in moderation, assist to improve your heart health and keep your blood pressure in check. Strengthens your bones: Watermelon seeds are abundant in minerals such as copper, manganese, and potassium.

Watermelon seeds have long been thought to be thrown after the fruit has been eaten. People eat these after carefully removing them from the main fruit. However, many people are unaware that watermelon seeds may be eaten, and no, it will not result in a plant sprouting within your stomach. It will if anything, improve your health.

The seeds are low in calories and high in micronutrients like copper, potassium, magnesium, iron, folate, and zinc, all of which are beneficial to the body. The seeds are also thought to improve immunity. Because of the presence of magnesium, they can aid in the management of hypertension and blood pressure.

Because of the inclusion of copper, manganese, and potassium, it is also thought that the seeds help strengthen your bones. When these minerals combine, they increase bone density. Micronutrients can also help your metabolism. They are also high in amino acids, proteins, and the vitamin B complex.

Consumption of seeds can aid in the maintenance of one’s skin and hair. While proteins and iron are proven to promote hair structure and quality, the antioxidants in the seed can help the skin stay young. In fact, the watermelon seed oil is regarded as one of the most important components in beauty products due to its ability to heal acne and prevent the onset of aging.

How to use them

First, remove the seeds from the fruit and set them aside to dry. Then, roast them in a skillet and store them in an airtight container. When you feel like munching after a few days, these seeds might be a healthy alternative. Because they are incredibly healthy, you can also use them in salads. You may even take it as a powder.

Most people are unaware that watermelon seeds are equally as nutritious as the fruit itself. They are high in protein, zinc, copper, manganese, and B vitamins, and pack a nutritious punch. One cup contains 139 percent of the daily value (DV) of magnesium, which is an important mineral that controls over 300 metabolic and biochemical events in the body. You’ll also obtain the nutrients listed below:

  • 602 energy
  • Protein content: 30.6 g
  • 16.5 grams of carbohydrates
  • 51.2 grams fat
  • 82 percent of the daily value for phosphorus
  • 74% of the daily value for zinc
  • 44% of the daily value for iron
  • 87 percent of the manganese DV
  • 6% of the daily value for calcium
  • 19% of the daily value for niacin
  • 16% of the daily value for folate

Dried watermelon seeds have more protein and vitamins than pumpkin or sunflower seeds. For instance, one cup of pumpkin seeds has 11.9 grams of protein, 34.4 grams of carbohydrates, and 42 percent of the daily necessary magnesium consumption. Sunflower seeds have 9.6 grams of protein in the same quantity.

How to Eat Watermelon Seeds

There’s no excuse to throw away these crispy, nutrient-dense seeds. To enjoy eating watermelon seeds, sprout them and then let them dry naturally — or use a dehydrator. During sprouting, their shells will come off. Add a bit of salt and serve as a snack or sprinkle over vegetables. In health food stores, you may also find sprouted watermelon seeds and watermelon seed butter.

Roasting these wonderful seeds in the oven is another way to enjoy them. Spread them out on a baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes, or until crispy. Watermelon seeds include protein, which will immediately fill you up and satisfy your appetite.

Add olive oil and Himalayan pink salt for added taste and nutrients. Serve these seeds with stevia and cinnamon if you have a sweet tooth. Make your own trail mix by combining them with pumpkin seeds, almonds, or walnuts. To increase your antioxidant intake, add dark chocolate chips to your diet.


So, what are you holding out for? Now that you’re aware of the benefits of watermelon seeds, and how many to take daily, start including them in your diet. Use them to make homemade energy bars, combine them with yogurt, or eat them roasted while watching a movie or after a strenuous workout. It’s a quick and easy strategy to safeguard your health and increase your vitamin consumption.