How to eat watermelon seeds for weight loss

How to eat watermelon seeds for weight loss

These are the seeds found in the watermelon fruit, as the name implies. They’re low in calories and abundant in nutrients, and they’re not harmful, but some people may find them difficult to digest.

And they definitely have a lot of advantages. Boosting heart health and immunity, as well as keeping blood sugar levels in check, are just a few of them. The seeds are high in micronutrients like potassium, copper, selenium, and zinc, which are nutrients that you may not get enough of from your diet.

Watermelon seeds can be eaten whole or ground into a powder. The protein and vitamin B content of the seeds adds to their uniqueness. The seeds may be a tasty and economical snack to chew on in between meals.

Not only the seeds but also the seed oil, provide several health advantages. After cold pressing the sun-dried seeds, the seed oil is extracted. The oil is quite popular in Western Africa, and it does wonders for your skin and hair. It is frequently utilized in baby oils because of its remarkable moisturizing effects and delicate texture. Minerals, vitamins, and other necessary fatty acids are abundant in the oil. Linoleic acid is one of its key constituents, and it is good for the skin as well as preventing heart disease and stroke.

Some individuals prefer seedless watermelon, which is a fruit that has been genetically modified to have no mature seeds. And, because eating seedless fruit (particularly watermelon) is easier and more convenient, it has a larger economic value. Seeded watermelon, on the other hand, may be more nutrient-dense from a health standpoint.

Can You Eat Watermelon Seeds?

Isn’t that the whole point? Yes, you certainly can eat watermelon seeds.

You should, in fact, do so.

You may just consume the seeds while eating the fruit. That is the simplest method. Alternatively, you can consume sprouted watermelon seeds. It is significantly more advantageous to consume sprouted seeds. This is due to the fact that you receive the complete amount of protein and other nutrients. After the seeds have grown and the stiff black shells have been removed, you may consume them. This procedure may take a few days, but it is well worth the time. Simply soak the seeds in water overnight (some proponents of watermelon seeds advise against soaking since it may increase the growth of fungus). However, you will only learn more if you give it a go). Wait a few days until the seeds have grown clearly. After that, you may either dry them in the sun or in the oven.

The seeds can also be roasted. Spread the seeds out on a baking sheet and bake them for about 15 minutes (325o F). The seeds get crunchy and brown. The disadvantage is that part of the nutritious value may be lost, but they are a delightful snack. You may also add some olive oil and a touch of salt to your snack.

Watermelon seed oil is another way to consume the nutrients found in the seeds. Watermelon seed oil is available for purchase in the market and may be used in cooking. You may also use the oil topically or pour it on salads.

How To Eat Watermelon Seeds?

One method is to consume them plain. Another option is to first hull the seed. Which is straightforward? Simply place a seed vertically (the smaller end must be facing your mouth). Bite the seed and press down on it softly until you hear it break. You can continue to shatter the seed in the same manner until it is revealed.

Watermelon seed tea is another option. 8 cups water, 4 teaspoons fresh watermelon seeds (taken from a fresh watermelon) To begin, pulverize the watermelon seeds (you can use a blender or a coffee grinder). Bring the water to a boil in a pot on the stove. Pour the boiling water over the seeds that have been crushed. Allow 10 to 15 minutes for the seeds to soak in the boiling water. Strain the liquid when it has cooled down.

How to eat watermelon seeds for weight loss

Low calorie

Thirty grams of watermelon seeds have 158 calories in them. And 30 grams of seeds is more than 400 calories, which is too much to consume in one sitting. So, a handful of seeds weighing about 4 grams has just 22 calories, which is significantly less than a packet of potato chips consumed in one sitting.


Magnesium is one of the minerals that may be found in watermelon. A handful of seeds has around 21 mg of magnesium in it. The mineral is very essential for the body’s metabolic processes. It is also necessary for neuron, muscle, and cardiac function to be maintained.


The iron content of a handful of watermelon seeds is 0.29 mg. Iron is a crucial component of hemoglobin, the protein that transports oxygen throughout the body. Iron aids in the conversion of calories into energy and their use by the body. Iron deficiency might make it difficult to keep up with your everyday fitness program.


Folate, commonly known as folic acid or vitamin B-9, is essential for brain health and helps to regulate homocysteine (an amino acid). Folate deficiency is linked to some neural tubal birth abnormalities, hence pregnant women require more than the average person.

Good fat

Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids are abundant in watermelon seeds. These fats are linked to a lower risk of stroke and heart attacks, as well as a lower level of LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol).


70% of your body weight is determined by what you eat and 30% by how much you exercise. As a result, a nutritious diet is the first step toward weight loss.

Watermelon seeds are high in nutrients and offer several health advantages. Though certain vitamins and minerals may appear to be insufficient, they are still considered superior to a bag of potato chips or any other harmful food.