Guava Vs Passion Fruit: The Detailed Nutrition Comparison

Guava Vs Passion Fruit

Both guava and passion fruit are tropical plants and are good sources of nutrients. Guava is a good source of vitamin C, vitamin B1, copper, and folate. Analysis showed that guava contains 220% vitamin C more than passion fruit. However, passion fruit contains vitamin B2, iron, and fiber more than guava.

Read on for a detailed analysis and comparison between guava vs passion fruit.

Guava vs passion: Origin

Guava: Guava is native to Mexico, southern and central Americas. Learn more about guava origin.

Passion fruit: passion fruit is native to southern Brazil, Paraguay, and northern Argentina.

Related: Guava Vs Mango: Similarities And Difference Between Guava And Mango

Guava vs passion fruit: classification

Guava: Guava is a common tropical crop, which is classified in the myrtle family under the genus Psidium and species guajava. The scientific name of guava is known as Psidium guajava. Learn more about the guava classification.

Passion fruit: passion fruit is a vine plant in the family Passifloraceae. It belongs to the genus passiflora and species P. edulis. The scientific name is called Passiflora edulis.

Related: Guava Vs Apple: Is Guava Better Than Apple?

Guava vs passion fruit: characteristics

Type: guava is a fruit tree while passion fruit is a vine fruit.

Varieties: common varieties of guava include Apple guava, lemon guava, pineapple guava, wild guava, common guava, Mexican white guava, red Indian, and more. You can learn more about guava varieties here.

Passion fruit: some of the common varieties of passion fruit are Pratt Hybrid, Australian purple, and common purple. You can learn more about passion fruit varieties here.

Seasons: both guava and passion fruit can be grown in all seasons. Learn more about guava seasons.

Texture: guava is crispy whereas passion fruit is juicy.

Color: guava usually comes in pink, yellow, and green. While passion fruit usually comes in purple and yellow. The inner pulp color of guava is mostly white while that of passion fruit is yellow.

Taste: guava is sweet to sour while passion fruit is sweet to tart in taste.

Shape: guava is mostly round to oval while passion fruit is oval.

Related: Guava Vs Orange: The Detailed Comparison

Guava vs passion fruit: cultivation

Soil type: guava grows well in loamy, rocky, and sandy soil. While passion fruit prefers loamy and sandy soils.

pH range: guava thrives well in pH range 4.5-7 while passion fruit thrives well in pH range 6.5-7.5.

Climatic conditions: guava grows well in the sun while passion fruit grows in warm, sunny, and frost-free climatic areas.

Guava vs passion fruit: nutrients per 100g serving size

Carbohydrates: guava contains 14.3g of carbohydrates while passion fruit contains 23.4g of carbohydrates.

Protein: guava contains 2.5g of protein while passion fruit contains 2.2g of protein.

Fat: guava contains 0.95g of fat while passion fruit contains 0.7g of protein.

Sugar: guava contains 8.9g of sugar while passion fruit contains 12.2g of sugar.

Dietary water: guava contains 80.8g of water while passion fruit contains 72.95g of water.

Dietary fiber: guava contains 5.4g of fiber while passion fruit contains 10.4g of fiber.

Vitamins: guava contains 31mcg of vitamin A, 0.07mg vitamin B1, 0.04mg vitamin B2, 1.08mg vitamin B3, 0.45mg vitamin B5, 0.11mg vitamin B6, 49mcg vitamin B9, 228.3mg vitamin C, 0.73mg vitamin E, and 2.6mcg vitamin K. Learn more about vitamins in guava.

On the other hand, passion fruit contains 64mg vitamin A, 0.00mg vitamin B1, 0.13mg vitamin B2, 1.5mg vitamin B3, 0.1mg vitamin B6, 14mcg vitamin B9, 30mg vitamin C, 0.02mg vitamin E, and 0.7mcg vitamin K.

Minerals: guava contains 417mg potassium, 0.26mg iron, 2mg sodium, 18mg calcium, 22mg magnesium, 0.23mg zinc, 40mg phosphorus, 0.15mg manganese, 0.23mg copper, 0.60mcg selenium.

While pasion fruit contains 348mg potassium, 1.6mg iron, 28mg sodium, 12mg calcium, 29mg magnesium, 0.1mg zinc, 68mg phosphorus, 0.09mg copper, and 0.6mcg selenium.

Antioxidants: guava contains 5204mcg lycopene and 7.6mg choline. While passion fruit contains 6.3mg of choline. They both contain other antioxidants. You can learn more about guava antioxidants here.

Fatty acids: guava contains 112mg omega 3s and 288mg omega 6s. While passion fruit contains 1mg omega 3s and 410mg omega 6s.

Guava vs passion fruit: ecological importance

Guava is used frequently to control desertification. Guava is also used as an ornamental tree. On the other hand, passion fruit is a vine tree and it is not as strong as guava tree. And so it will not be used as a windbreaker. However, passion fruit is also one of the common ornamental trees that is widely used in landscape design.

Guava vs passion fruit: health benefits

Guava: guava leaves and fruits are widely used in the prevention and treatment of excessive weight gain, diabetes, heart problems, constipation, and cancers. Learn more about the health benefits of guava here.

Passion fruit: passion fruit is shown to reduce the risk of diabetes, obesity, heart problems, and eye problems. The fruit was also shown to improve nerve functions, immune system, and Brain functions. You can learn more about passion fruit benefits here.


In this article, I looked at the health benefits of passion fruit vs guava where I compare the nutrition facts, ecological importance, classification, and characteristics of guava and passion fruit. I hope you will find this article helpful. Let me know if you any questions.